Discover the Solin town : A Unique NFT Collection

Step into the enchanting world of our NFT collection, featuring captivating images of houses in a meticulously designed town. This town is home to 256 buildings, with an equal split between charming single-story and elegant two-story homes. Every house is uniquely positioned at a corner, thanks to the city’s intricate network of intersections.

Unique house

Surrounding each house are various items inspired by the creative suggestions of our community members. The town enjoys a perpetual daylight, with the sun always shining brightly, adding a magical and timeless quality to the scenery.

Be part of this community

We invite you to be a part of this evolving masterpiece. Share your ideas and suggestions in the comments of our Instagram posts, and watch as your creativity transforms the town. Your contributions will be brought to life, making this collection a true reflection of our vibrant community.

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